RiversMeet Exercise Referral Scheme
If you’re recovering from an illness or injury, or just want to improve overall health, you could receive exercise on prescription from your GP or other health professional.
The scheme lets your GP write you a referral form for a personalised 12-week exercise. You’ll receive a private consultation with one of our qualified instructors, and together you’ll devise an exercise programme to help with recovery, or developing a more active lifestyle.
You’ll then have the guidance and support of your instructor as you progress through your personal exercise programme.
The GP Referral will give you discounted rates across all our facilities.
How does exercise on prescription work?
- Visit your GP to see if exercise on prescription is right for you
- Bring your prescription to Riversmeet Leisure Centre to arrange an appointment
- Attend your appointment with your qualified instructor to discuss your 12-week exercise plan
- Enjoy continued assessments and ongoing support with your instructor
For more information, please ask at reception or call 01747 834013 or e-mail lynsey.pledger@riversmeetgillingham.org